
Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Sophie Pascoe Wins Gold Medal

sophie-pascoeSophie Pascoe has won gold with a world record time in the women's 200 meter individual medley SM10  event at Rio. She swam a 2.24.90 minutes defending her Olympic title from London four years ago. It's pascoes third medal of the Rio Paralympics and she still has another two events to compete in.

Visiting Tamaki Primary

Last week Wednesday Ruapotaka had to go to Tamaki Primary because we had to have a special
clean up in our roofs . We had to go to Tamaki because we had Asbestos in our roof. As we got on the bus and made our way to the Tamaki Primary gates
we got welcomed with a Haka. We had to line up in our class lines before we went off to our classes. As Tamaki Primary finished doing their Haka we went to our class rooms. The class Room 11 was in was the Art Room. We didn't have any work for the first day so we did art.